Tuesday, June 5, 2012

So far, everything has been great! Today my crew went to Corona park again and picked up trash. But unlike yesterday, it didn't rain which was a nice change. The weather was practically perfect, not too hot and not too cold. We had a great lunch at the Unisphere. God has really taught me a lot already and I think that it is definitely possible to worship God through water ever you are doing. Even if it's picking up trash! Tonight we are visiting Rockaway beach which I am so excited for! And tomorrow we are working at a senior center and then going to a soup kitchen. It should be an eventful day :) -Kelly M.

1 comment:

  1. I love seeing what you all are doing each day. I told Jacob in a text this morning to be a blessing. I know that each and everyone of you are a blessing to someone you have talked too! Praying for you all! Jill Smiley
