Wednesday, June 6, 2012

My day

My 6:30 alarm came way to early this morning, as it usually does. However, a wonderful breakfast of Lucky Charms and a peanut butter and jelly bagel energized me for the day. After we had breakfast we had our devotional time and my group, the "fool" group (yes that is our actual name- ha) left for Elm York. Elm York is an assisted living place for the mentally handicapped. This was our groups first day going and everyone had their own worries about what to expect. For the two day previous we were at another assisted home;however,it wasn't for the mentally handicapped. Personally, I was worried about how I would start conversations with the people of Elm York and how I would connect with them. I was scared that I wouldn't know what to do. As the day went on,it was amazing to see God answer my prayers and take away my worries. He placed the sweetest woman in my path. Her name was Joslin; she was from Hati and spoke French. When I found out she spoke French I was extremely happy and knew I had to talk to her. COZETTE

1 comment:

  1. I just wanted everyone to know that Abigail Wood came through her surgery very well. She is not feeling well and still needs your prayers up in NY. I'm so glad to hear your stories. I'm still praying for you.
