Wednesday, June 13, 2012

We may be home but we are not done!

Safely home Saturday night and most of the team at church on Sunday AM!  What a praise.  But we are not done yet.  We had such a great time cleaning up around Queens that we are working on getting together as a crew and cleaning up parks right here in Knoxville.  Thanks to Cameron Ramsey we are getting organized and working together right here in our back yard.  As you can see....lives have been changed! 

Sunday, June 10, 2012


After a fun day in Manhattan, Broadway's Mary Poppins, Juniors for an awesome dinner and cheesecake we headed home Saturday. We are all exhausted but there is a great sense of accomplishment of a job well done. After a good nights sleep we are up this morning looking forward to reuniting this morning at the Hub and praising Gods name with a sense of thankfulness for our blessings and safety as we traveled. Thank you for your prayers.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Thoughts from Zach

This week has been an incredible week to say the least. We've had lots of adventures, seen many sights, done many things, and learned more about God. Our theme for this week revolved around being "here." Not just, here on a mission trip, but here in our lives at this time and place. The big question surrounding the "here" is "what's God's purpose for my life?" "Why does God need me here?" "Why am I here?" These questions are tough to answer, but there are a few things that can help solve these age old questions

New York City: roughly eleven million people. Eleven million! Each of these people have a story, a background, and a future. Many rush about their day enveloped by their work schedules, or other daily activities. Some are rich, some are poor. Some are happy, some are sad. Some are Christ followers, some are not. Regardless of what side of the spectrum they are on, they are all here in this moment. As we drove into the city back on Sunday, I couldn't help but thinking how much materialism has been put into this city. How many people walk around this city, and place their hope and trust in a city, job or other object.  Each morning would start with a devotional time. During these devotions we would take a look at some of the reasons we are "here." I'm quickly going to paraphrase these answers, so we can get a better understanding of why we are "here."

1. We are here to worship. Worship is essential to our faith. We are made to worship our Creator, made to worship God. Worship is the one thing God cannot give Himself, and He deserves worship so much. We learned this week that there is more to worship than just singing. The definition of worship is "an act designed to pursue, adore and give honor to another." If you think of things in this context, anything that brings honor to God is considered worship. Along with singing, praying, reading your Bible, and serving others are all forms of worship. Our first purpose for why we are "here" is to worship God.

2. We are here to invest. This is a know brainer in some respects. We are here to invest our time, talents, abilities, feelings, and actions into serving God. We learned this week that investing our abilities and talents bring worship to God. We are here to invest in other people. Why should we invest in others? Look at Jesus. He had every reason not to invest in us, but He was willing to come down and die on a cross because He loved us. Investing can be done in many ways, but it should always point back to God.

3. We are here to unite. We are here to unite with others and God. Most importantly, we need to unite under the body of Christ. A body cannot function if our heart decide it didn't like the brain. It needs to be united. Same goes for the body of believers. We need to unite our talents and abilities for God. This also looks different in many ways, but if we work for God's will, then we are doing what is pleasing to Him. Just as a body cannot function if it doesn't work together, so the Body of Christ cannot work together if we aren't unified. 

4. We are here to serve. We are here to serve others! Jesus' earthly ministry was about serving. We are here to follow His example, and serve others. Serving is an incredible way to reach others for Christ. Some ways  we served during the week included going to nursing homes and cleaning a park. I challenge all of us in this part to be more open to serving. Look for opportunities, and then do it. Jesus' earthly ministry was serving, shouldn't that be ours if we are following Him?

Each of these ways answer the previous questions in one way. Ultimately we are here to do God's will. As long as we live our lives according to the Bible, we will be walking in His will. As we get back from this trip, it is our goal to not become complacent, but continue to serve, unite, worship, and invest. Each and every person on this trip has learned something, and I know God has big plans for all of us. I have learned that serving God will bring about a worship that cannot be matched. If you would like to read more about this you can read Romans 12:1-12. Each verse corresponds to one of these points.


What's next

As we finish up at sites this afternoon we will be putting on a neighborhood is a street party of sorts sponsored at the church up the street.   We will have a great opportunity to meet community members again tonight.  Pray for opportunities to spread Gods word and give us the strengths necessary to speak up at every opportunity and not hide in our comfort zone.

Sent from my Kindle Fire

Wednesday high and lows

Good morning... One of the gals was feeling ill this morning and I stayed behind (not a biggie parents...don't worry) so I am going to catch up our highs and lows from last night. I know that you are anxious to hear all about how God is working in these kids lives!!!!! DANAE...H: Ester at the Senior Center...I was so excited when I invited her to come back again after lunch and she smiled and said yes. You could see that Ester enjoyed being invited and being wanted by my aimple invitation. L: I just hit my elbow on the chair LOL..... JAMES...H: Eric and I stayed up late talking with the group from Indiana,SLEEPOVER. L: Elm York more challenging than other facility. OLIVIA...H: We each have a wristband with something we wrote on it Monday. Something I wrote on my wristband caught my eye today and it was a reminder and affirmation. L: I asked a gentlemen named Mark about his beliefs and he said he was a Jew and I asked him about his faith and he didn't know what it was to be a Jew. It made me sad to think how many people claim to be Christianbut don't know what it means. CAMERON...H: Kenny at the Sr Center. Awesome guy with great stories. Can't wait to play chess with him on Thursday, L: my card loaded with $$ for trip diddn't work but we are getting it straightened out. ALEXIS C...H: getting to talk with people today after two days of garbage duty. L: Guy named Dan who was recently widowed after 63 years of marriage. KAYLA...H: beat Alberta at a game today (she is really good and rarely looses). L: sad about Dan who lost wife. NAOMI...H: worship this evening was awesome!!!!! L: some people just could not find any job in trash collection....disappointing. SHERRY...H: getting to sit with 2 ladies at dinner at soup kitchen. One lady said. "if you are a believer you are not lucky, you are blessed". My mom says that touched me that she should say that to me. L: none...awesome day . JACKIE...H: Kenny with Nazi salute during apples to apples games. Such a sense of humor. L: Jackie with corn rows at senior center didn't come back after lunch. Missed her. JACOB...H: talking to Sheila and Henry at the Assisted Living the happy couple of just one month! L: Dan talking about missing his wife. MINDY...H: This new location is much more challenging which is good and bad. L: lady who I spoke with at quit smokin so she would live longer it then said she had nothing to live for. So sad. NOLAN....H: Dave,Henry and Sheila were so fun. Really enjoyed playing cards with Dave. Dave shared with me he missed work the day the World Trade center was attacked and he worked right across the street. L: none. ERIC..H: getting close with kids from Indiana. I am going to miss them L: not getting a shower today. KARA....H: worship tonight. Emily's photo bomb at the park today. L: none MATTIE...H: getting closer to people. Like stabbing trash. L: feet hurt. MCKENZIE..H: Katie from Youthworks said to me "I know that just sitting there watching TV with them meant something" was such an encouragement today. RYLIE...H: apples to apples was awesome. It was so funny when scolded Robbie when she didn't know how to play "their" way, lol. L: rec room in senior center VERY hot. ALEXIS L...H: can't work im high grass because of allergies but Sherry R worked with me to find other ways to serve at the park. L: very ugly scary squirrel came too close to me. BILL...H: enjoyed talking with people and getting closer. L: look on Olivia's face before she was ill(she recovered quickly after a nap, praise God) MARYBETH....H: Really love ❤ Youthworks staff. Have gotten closer to several, what a joy and blessing they are. L: metal bottle caps don't cooperate getting on the poker to be picked up! LINDSAY...H: two teams joined together for a bottle cap stabbing competition. The record is 20 water bottle caps on one poker. L: pushing that poker so hard I think I got a bruise. COURTNEY...H: great day at assisted living and bonding during lunch. L: changing in sauna room is just way too hot! ZACK..H: enjoyed great conversations with Youthworks staff. They are just the most awesome people. L: none EMILY...H: street corner vendor with Indian food. Mindy and I shared chicken and rice. It was amazing!!!! L: none. ROBBIE....H: by noon Wednesday this blog has had over 1000 views since we left Knoxville Sunday morning. All that has been shared here is not only a blessing to the folks back home but the Youthworks staff at have worked so hard to make this happen. They get the opportunity to get some great feedback. Junie and Sophia at the senior center were so excited that we have this blog and can't wait to read all that the students have to say about their time here. The reaction to this blog is it's own ministry! L: what could we possibly have to be low about! ABBY..H: fans at soccer game were watching us clean the park. A soccer player came and thanked us. L: awkward conversation SEAN...H: forgot my pillow and MARK ANDY went and bought me one...thank you. L: got tired out today. SAM...H: connecting with people during dinner at soup kitchen. L: the girls taking a long time at the shower....they got competitive and all 6 girls were out before the 2 guys, how could that be? COZETTE....H: speaking french with lady for Haiti. L: seeing my best friend going pale and being under the weather. MARK ANDY...H: what a great job my team did working together at the park L: weird guy a park. DEREK...H: great conversation and connecting. L: none MAGGIE...LOW: talking with a guy that was very harsh and opinionated...HIGH: right after got talk with someone who lifted me!

So what did we have to say on Wednesday at church time

WHAT IS COMMMUNITY? CAMERON...bonding as a group and helping each other out. RYLIE...picking up trash TOGETHER made it better OLIVIA...we play off each other, a chain reaction BILL...Olivia and Cozette were able to use their French language skills to speak to an women from Haiti in her native tongue which gave her such joy. many people to encourage each other. Anytime I have felt low during this trip someone has come along and lifted me up. Thank God for this community lifting each other up. was a real low when I was feeling ill earlier today (note: some sleep and she was all better in a couple of hours). Everyone was so supportive to me and a great source of strength. MATTIE...youth on this trip bonded regardless of age. Much more connection! WHY IS IT SO DIFFICULT TO ACCEPT HELP FROM OTHERS? CAMERON...pride gets in the way. LYDIA...we are here to help others not be seeking help ourselves. MAGGIE...I should be the helper not the helped OLIVIA..sign of weakness. Don't want to be seen in that light. HOW CAN WE TAKE IT HOME...WHAT TO DO?? NOLAN...offer more encouragement be more proactive KELLY...reaching out in our own community and especially at the HUB. MARY BETH...appreciate others more. Determined to appreciate those around me more. SHERRY...bonding with each other it we have to keep cultivating and keep these relationships growing and developing. Trust is so important when you need to reach out for support and that is found by cultivating those relationships. They just don't "happen". ABBY...finding a partner today during devo time and praying for each other very powerful. How great it felt to pray with and for each other. Knowing I can text a friend and ask them to pray is comforting. CAMERON...not just at church. We need to be an encouragement at school and be a light in a dark world.

Praying for the Smiley family

We are all praying today for Jacob's grandfather as he goes into surgery as a result of a car accident yesterday. Jacob is staying focused on the task at hand and being a trooper. What an inspiration to all those around him this week. We know he would like to be with his family right now but he is finding comfort in his church family. Bless you Jacob for blessing all of us

More highs and lows from Tuesday nights church group

NOLAN...H: message at worship Tuesday night. L: little cold JACOB S...H: found a scooter and took the bell off. L: lost the bell LINDSAY...H: Sean and Zack watching the Young and the Restless....we learned a lot L: stepped on shell at beach and cut foot. (editors note: don't worry T it's a small cut and it has been all taken care of) DEREK....H: watching the students getting together at the table and playing the hand game and more and more joining in. Making the best of whatever the situation. L: right before lunch missed 5 pokes in a row picking up trash. ERIC...H: met Gertrude, 90 yr old widow, daughter died, made me realized how fortunate we are. Her first job paid $15 wk, lived thru 2 world wars,no life before TV. L: ice cream dripping and messy. RYLIE....H: weather was good. Fun feed ducking while we were waiting for instructions. The female likes cheddar cheese goldfish. L: can't get in water at beach DANAE...H: we all talked together and shared Gods love with one another. When we were leaving looked around and the park looked better because of what we did. L: none SHERRY...H: easy to park can today. Sunshine was great. Sat with a resident and talked and shared Gods love together and admired his creations around us. L: nasty ice cream ALEXIS C...H: made some new friends in our team and missin team. Lots of thinking time and connecting with God. L: showers broken today so we had to use another shower area which took longer and was way smaller. KAYLA B....H: perfect day. L: got my pants wet SAM...H: devo time was great. Homeless guy asked me if I was from a TV show. L: cooking sausage for breakfast while I was starving. Thanks all folks for Tuesday high and lows. Stay tuned from Wednesdays coming to a computer screen near you soon. Thanks for all your feedback. We love hearing from you

Good morning....our final work day

So sad...our final work day at sites. What a blessing it has been to serve others throughout each day and it is drawing to a close. Please pray the lessons learned will stay with these students a lifetime and that the everyday distractions of life don't get in the way On another note, they are keeping me busy. I have written down severything shared during church group time. Please be will get posted. I a sorry if it is your student that just hasn't gotten posted yet. I have to do this between things. Thanks for your understanding. Robbie
Subject: Corona Park

Monday and Tuesday, the Non-Conformists, (my group), were picking up trash with poking sticks in Corona park. At first it was rough, especially for Jackie and Cameron (who were wearing short sleeves and t-shirts); it was pouring rain and icy cold. But nobody complained, we all roughed it out.

After an hour or two, we all went for a bathroom break and set our garbage bags and trash pokers by the door. When I was washing my hands, I noticed a guy walk by the bathroom. When I went back out to pick up more beer caps, our pokers were gone! The guy took them! I walked around for a minute or two, trying to figure out what to do, and decided to check behind the bathrooms. There he was, standing in some closet, wearing a NYC Parks and Recreation shirt. He thought we sat them down and left. I got em back and we went back to stabbing beer caps.

After about another hour, Later, after lunch, we came back outside to sunshine. A few minutes later it quit raining. Thank God :)!

Tuesday, we came back to another day of picking up trash at Corona Park. We started out cleaning by a soccer field where a Hispanic league was playing a game. We couldn't talk to them because they all spoke Spanish, but we communicated through our work. Actually, some people from the group there yesterday said someone watching the game walked up and said in a thick Spanish accent, "You clean park?" When they said yes, the soccer fan said "Thank you, thank you!" That really encouraged me and made me feel like we were really making a difference, even though I wasn't there for it. I wish I would have been.

For lunch Tuesday, we went over to the big (omni-spere?) globe in front of the Queens Museum of Art (its in the intro song to The King of Queens.) We could see the big space ship things from MIB!!! I thought that was really cool. Anyway, we sat on the edge of the pond around the globe thing and ate lunch, then we went and got ice cream from the Mister Softee truck parked there. The only problem was, several (I think five?) of us didn't bring money. So, thankfully, Robbie came to the rescue and bought us all ice cream :).

After that, we cleaned up some more around the globe side of the park for a few more hours, went back to the church, and dreamt about stabbing bottle caps the next two nights. I miss it.

Anyhow, we're having a great time here in Queens and really appreciate all the prayers and encouraging comments! Be back soon!

-Sam M.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

My day

My 6:30 alarm came way to early this morning, as it usually does. However, a wonderful breakfast of Lucky Charms and a peanut butter and jelly bagel energized me for the day. After we had breakfast we had our devotional time and my group, the "fool" group (yes that is our actual name- ha) left for Elm York. Elm York is an assisted living place for the mentally handicapped. This was our groups first day going and everyone had their own worries about what to expect. For the two day previous we were at another assisted home;however,it wasn't for the mentally handicapped. Personally, I was worried about how I would start conversations with the people of Elm York and how I would connect with them. I was scared that I wouldn't know what to do. As the day went on,it was amazing to see God answer my prayers and take away my worries. He placed the sweetest woman in my path. Her name was Joslin; she was from Hati and spoke French. When I found out she spoke French I was extremely happy and knew I had to talk to her. COZETTE

The trip so far

I think that I may actually miss picking up trash but going to the nursing home is fun we have been playing wii bowling and I learned that I am not good at it at all! The beach was really fun last night even though that we were not allowed to get in the water I did anyway I almost as got a ticket! That would not have been good I would have been sending dad a large $350 ticket! Hope that the rest of the trip will go well! Rylie B

At the site: Day four

Our whole crew is sitting at a table eating lunch. Four of us are blogging. I hope y'all enjoy hearing from me cause I'm going to be blogging every chance I get. I loved getting to talk with a lady from Guana this morning. Her story is so neat. I would love to share it with you but I only have so much time. We also got to play guesstures and Wii bowling. I can't wait to see what the rest of the day holds for us. Please keep praying. We see most of you in 3 or 4 days. We will keep you updated.
Lydia M.
P.S. I will miss my stick.

Robbie Van Nortwick
Sent from my Verizon Wireless Droid

A word from Danae :P

Hey everybody! We are all having such a blast here in Queens! Right now, I am at the Madison York Senior Center in Jamaica with my group! We have been playing charades and wii bowling with the senior citizens! I can tell that they really enjoy watching us make a fool of ourselves :P On Monday and Tuesday I was in Corona Park with my group and we were picking up trash through the park. It was surprisingly really fun getting to poke trash with those sticks, haha. It's not as easy as it looks in the movies, but we made some fun out of it. It has been so cool to get some real bonding time with everyone here. I hadn't really spoken to a lot of the people on this trip before, and I've gotten the chance to grow really close with several of the others here. I feel that God has really been working in my life this week. On Monday, we were all given wristbands and we were told to write on them how we want to worship God this week. I decided that I wanted God to be the only thing on my mind. I don't want any distractions getting in my way and I don't want to let anything keep me from being used by God this week and throughout the rest of my life. Every time I see the wristband on me, it is a great motivator that puts me back on track! The week is almost over, but there is so much more to come! Thanks for reading! Danae B. :D

Today we're at the Madison York Senior Center. I'm kind of missing the trash pick up, but I enjoy talking to the senior citizens. We played Guesstures and Wii Bowling. After that we got a chance to sit down with them and get to know them better. After lunch I get to play chess with Kenny! Let's hope he wins though; he's notorious for having quite a temper when he loses a game of chess! Anyway, I can't wait to see what God has in store for the rest of the week!
-Cameron R.

Sent from my Kindle Fire

More of Tuesday Highs and low

KELLY...H: Gods love was shown to each other while picking up trash. L: very Hungry at lunch (editors note picking up trash can be hard work) SEAN...H: blast at the beach. L: had a headache earlier MINDY...H: talking with old people Tuesday and James sang to them...what a blessing. NO LOWS BILL...H: felling more connected with students. L: saying goodbye to this class of seniors ZACK....H: devo time in AM to get connected to God. L: sad to leave senior center COURTNEY....H: worship Tuesday night. L; ice cream was good. It cherry dip tasted like medicine MAGGIE....H: God answered prayer. L: playing game really well and we still lost NAOMI...H: it was hard Monday to start conversations where we were working at the center so Tuesday I started working on the art project and they all came over and joined in. L: Nasty ice cream LYDIA...H: talking with Danae at beach gave me new perspective and put me a great mood. L: diapers in the park MARK ANDY....H: watching old people get feisty. L: forgot to walk on the beach MATTIE....H: beach great to see Gods creation. L: no toilet paper in bathroom OLIVIA...H: game "steal the old mans bundle". L: leaving old folks home. MCKENZIE...H: wii bowling. L: didn't get to see the man at the site from Monday that I was witnessing to COZETTE....H: challenging to know what to do but hearing gratitude of seniors for our being there and spending time. L: leaving senior center MARYBETH...H: stepping out of comfort Zone and getting confidence. L: elevator not going where we wanted CAMERON...H: little kid watching and smiling at me while I was picking up trash. L: couldn't go I water at beach and I am going to miss trash pickup Every student said their hi and low last night and yes I wrote everyone down and will post them. But right now I have to go get these girls out of here for breakfast. Stay tuned. Also sorry about no pictures. We have limited access to wifi and short time to work on this. Pictures take a while to load so we are just blogging for now. Pictures will come so stay tuned.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Today's highs and lows

ABBY...H:God turned my low into a high. Lady at Seniorcenter who is 90 watches over her 90!!!! ALEXIS L...H: Abby talking with the old lady at senior center. L: shells on feet EMILY V...H: Getting closer to people in our group and it was such a great day there were no lows!!!! JAMES G...H: Painting finger nails, got time to talk with lots of members of the Youthworks staff. L: found out have to change college roommate JACKIE...H: Hip feeling better. L: sore from pushing so hard on the pick up stick to get trash KARA...H: talking with Matthew at the center. He was glad we we here and it was evident that we enjoyed being there too and how awesome to see such positive things from "your generation". L: didn't know trivia It is late and lights should be we will continue in the morning...sweet dreams
So far, everything has been great! Today my crew went to Corona park again and picked up trash. But unlike yesterday, it didn't rain which was a nice change. The weather was practically perfect, not too hot and not too cold. We had a great lunch at the Unisphere. God has really taught me a lot already and I think that it is definitely possible to worship God through water ever you are doing. Even if it's picking up trash! Tonight we are visiting Rockaway beach which I am so excited for! And tomorrow we are working at a senior center and then going to a soup kitchen. It should be an eventful day :) -Kelly M.

Good afternoon

Everyone came back with smiles on their faces today and many stories to share.  As soon as we can the  students will share their unique perspective with you.  Thanks for following us and  your comments are do appreciated.  Every comment its shared with the entire team and they are so excited to know that you are following their journey.  Thanks for your comments and keep them coming

Robbie Van Nortwick
Sent from my Verizon Wireless Droid

Thank you

thank you for your comments.  what an encouragement we read your comments at lunch keep your comments coming.  we read them again tonight as we gather is a group.  thank you for your prayers and God bless

Robbie Van Nortwick
Sent from my Verizon Wireless Droid

-----Original message-----
From: Robbie Van Nortwick <>
Tue, Jun 5, 2012 13:28:57 GMT+00:00
Another exciting day

The sun its shining and it is comfortable.  Two teams are back at Flushing Meadows again today to clean up and witness to those around us.  We are excited at the possibilities.  Stay tuned for our progress today

Robbie Van Nortwick
Sent from my Verizon Wireless Droid

Another exciting day

The sun its shining and it is comfortable.  Two teams are back at Flushing Meadows again today to clean up and witness to those around us.  We are excited at the possibilities.  Stay tuned for our progress today

Robbie Van Nortwick
Sent from my Verizon Wireless Droid

Monday, June 4, 2012

From a leaders perspective....

What a day. Two teams worked cleaning up garbage at Flushing Meadows Park (home of Shea Stadium and the NY Mets). It was pouring rain and only 53 degrees. The teams were SOAKED to the bone and cold...yet no one complained. They had a servants heart ready to take on whatever task was put before them. If you are a parents of one of those students, be proud. If anyone had reason to complain...these two teams did but they didn't for even a minute. What a blessing it was told to work alongside such incredible students. Thank you Lord for blessing us with a fantastic team Good Night Robbie Van Nortwick PS. Feel free to comment on any of the postings. We love to hear back from you.

What we ALL have to say.....

McKenzie....amazing Rylie B...sleepy, stabbing things, rainy Abby G...listening,perspective, rain Maggie M...amazing, chic fil a, withdrawals Kelly, wonderful, rainy Sam M...rainy, corona, cold Courtney L...God moments, beautiful, community Jackie S...Chilly, Humbling, Strengthening Naomi F...Talking, Listening, Smiling Eric L...Love, Worship, People Mary Beth C...Cold, Elderly, Golf Emily V...Enjoyable, FUN, hilarious Bill R...Ticket, skip-Bo, Conversation Jacob S...humbling, precipitation, fun Kara G...Elderly, Humbling, Rainy Alexis L...Courageous, uncomfortable, loving Robbie V...traffic, growth, serving Sherry R...Traffic, Courage, Love Lydia...Fun, wet,wonderful Danae B...Trash, rain, love Cozette G...skip-Bo,Yawning, library Mindy H ...ticket, amazing,fun Lindsay D...Linfinity, Elders, Putt Putt, Wii Bowling Anonymous...Traffic, elderly, soreness Sean S...Tired but fun Olivia D...Argentina, Blow Pops, Cards James G...I AM SKIP-BO, I ❤ old peeps Kayla B...Rainy, Life CHanging, humorous Cameron R...Cold, Joyful, Exciting Zach C...Awesome, elderly people Nolan...Rainy, Dog poop, garbage Alexis C...humorous, COLD, inspiring Madi S...Old pro wii bowlers And so ends are first full day in New York

End of day two

We are currently getting ready for bed. Today was an awesome day. Let me tell you, though, it was hard. Some of us got soaked, others got yelled at by elderly people, and some had to learn lessons that were very hard to learn. But after all that hard work, we got to have fun (after taking showers of course). We got to go on a scavenger hunt around Jamacia, Queens. After that, we had root beer floats and enjoyed socialization. Then we had an awesome CLUB and church gathering time, where we enjoyed some of Tee's cookies. Tomorrow, we set off another adventure, while serving Christ and spreading the gospel wherever we go. But for right now, we have to get some sleep, so goodnight from the Big Apple. Lydia M.

First Day in Service

Today was such a wonderful day! We started out with breakfast provided by our wonderful breakfast team. After eating, we had our devo time. God reminded me through that time to put Him at the forefront of my mind and worship Him through everything I do. We then came together for a quick prayer time and split off into our service groups. Two groups went to retirement homes to provide encouragement to the seniors living there. My group and I picked up trash in Corona Park! It was raining at first and everybody was so wet, but everybody had a great attitude despite the less than desirable circumstances. I think that speaks loudly to the community about our love for God and committment to service. A local business was kind enough to allow us to use their lunch room to eat, and everybody was very kind. After lunch we continued picking up trash and went to the YMCA to shower. Everybody here has such a great attitude and I'm so excited to see how God will work in our hearts this week to refuel our passion for God and through us to touch people's hearts! Please continue to pray for our safety and that everybody would get along this week. To my family, I love you all very much and miss you! Hope packing is going great and sorry I can't be there to help! from Jamaica, NY Courtney L.

A day at Elm York...

Today our group went to Elm York assisted living and spending time with the disabled elderly. The experience was amazing, and it was great to get the chance to spend time with all of the people. We got to hear a lot of amazing life stories and just had fun hanging out. A lot of the People were very welcoming and excited to hang out;we drew pictures, made father's day cards, and watched TV. One lady, Abby G., and I spent time talking to, Gertrude, who had a lot of great things to say. Gertrude told us about her lif, and how she was born in the 'roaring 20's' and is close to her 90th birthday. She told us about her family and asked us about where we are from; she was very interested about where we came from. We told her the interesting things we knew about Tennesse, and she gave a few interesting facts about Tennessee too. She told us that Elvis apparently had a twin brother! They where born at the same time, but his twin passed away when he was very young. Overall, the time we spent at Elm York was amazing and fun; it was a challenge to get the courage to go and start up conversations with people we didn't know, but with God's help and prayer, we got up the courage to talk and got to learn a lot. - Alexis L.

Cold rainy day

Good morning New York

Kitchen crew is off to make breakfast and we are excited about what today has in store for us. The stories of our 14 hours adventure stuck in NY traffic at the Holland Tunnel going just 19 miles in 1 hr 45 minutes was fun to hear. Pray for us today as we go to do God's work. Give us strength and courage to do as you command us Lord.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

We made it safely

We found a gas station...finally after sitting in traffic.....After asking for cups we were so desperate Then again there was the Chinese fire drill at the burger king...what you do when you need to go to the bathroom....Emily and Lindsay Lots of fun games on the bus Then there was the stare down contests between Eric and Danae...singing...who will laugh first People in other cara were dancing with us...they probably thought we were crazy Then there was the lady that asked where we were going as we sat in traffic and she was from Jamaica....where we were going What are we thankful for...the rainbow as we arrived in Manhattan...God was wwlcoming us. Thankful for safe travels. We got to see the awesome sunrise over the mountains. There was time for the passengers to rest. The time passed quickly when you are having fun with friends. We are all anxious to see what the Lord has in store for us tomorrow. Good night Robbie

half way and time for lunch

Well so far the trip has been pretty uneventful. Definitely a good thing. We've slept, ate, and sang many songs. The excitement level is still high as we are currently in Virginia. About 6 hours left, but that should fly by. God has kept unsafe thus far and can't wait to see what is in store for the week! Zach C.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Getting Closer...just 2 days to go!

It is almost time to go....the excitment is building on our team!  We can't wait to see what God has in store for us.  28 students and 5 leaders depart VERY early Sunday morning for the adventure of a lifetime.  We will update the blog each day so that you can be a part of our journey.  Thanks for your prayers!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Almost ready to go

We are just 10 days from departure on our adventure to Queens.  As we travel, each day students will post their thoughts and experiences, and a few pictures too!  I hope you will stay tuned to be a part of our opportunity to witness to others.  We look forward to having you be a part of our journey!

Friday, March 30, 2012


We have an awesome team in place of 27 students and 5 leaders. Next Wednesday we get together for the first time as a team over some ice cream, set some schedules, prepare for fundraising and get to know each other. This is going to be an awesome journey and thanks for following our travels! Stay tuned for pictures of the team after our Wednesday get together!